Liquid Media

Two ideas about liquid.

First, in 2015, I used the Waterlogue App to turn photos of food and drink into “watercolors”. I did it every day for a #100dayProject Instagram challenge and went way beyond the 100.
Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at 8.33.12 PMLink for series on Tumblr

Second, today I used real watermedia (watery gouache) in another app that I usually use to convert my day job outfit textiles into circular compositions AKA #tinyplanets.
Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at 8.38.49 PMI see potential for a new path of exploration!

These were both originally posted on Instagram, but I like the Archive feature on Tumblr better for finding old Instagram posts.

Post inspired by the Daily Post’s weekly Photo Challenge,
this week’s challenge is Liquid

A Good Match

Here I am, matching the kitchen floor:
Why am I on the floor taking selfies?

It’s all the fault of Colors of the Day, a fun Instagram/Facebook fashion challenge.
Every M-F, Mercedes posts a two swatch combo of colors or a color and a print  on Instagram (@COTDstyle) and in her Facebook COTD Style Group. The combos are chosen by her husband Andy or on Tuesdays by a special guest COTDstyle takeover (I had the honor on 2/7/17).

My outfit was inspired by the prompt:
I had just purchased the perfect 70’s poncho from Poshmark (an online resale site).

Here’s the whole look:
Is it a good match?

If you enjoyed reading about my sartorial antics, consider perusing SpyGirl, my fashion blog.
I mix and match with abandon there!

This post inspired by The Daily Post’s weekly Photo Challenge.
This week’s theme is A Good Match

#June1-30Challenge Day 10: 10 Top Posts

Day 10 A Toast to Ten Bloggers
June 10, 1935. Dr. Robert Smith (Dr. Bob) takes his last drink and Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in Akron, Ohio, by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob.
Although Bill and Dr. Bob quit drinking alcohol, we can still raise a toast to those who have done a great job!
Share a link to ten blogs you enjoy. Tell us why you think they deserve a toast! You may want to try viewing those blogs in your browser and using the “Press This” feature.
[I cannot limit myself to 10. Here is my “Blog Love” list from SpyGirl, my Fashion Blog].
I WILL give two shoutouts: to Kathleen, who is hosting this challenge, and Tami, who turned me on to it.
Alternative: Share links to the top ten posts on your blog from last year according to your stats. Include an excerpt from each. Or share your favorite ten posts since starting your blog.

My ten most popular posts on Instagram for the last month.

According to the Likemeter App —  not sure of the time frame.
Here are links to each:
33 Me and birthday cake 6/3
29 #commutehome Downtown LA, waterlogue 4/14 [April??]
28 Mr Lou (bliss) 6/4
28 Duck 6/3
27 #selfiesketch Birthday Suit 6/3
25 Freesia waterlogue 3/26 [really? March?]
25 Mr Lou 4/17
24 Mr Lou (asleep) 5/28
23 Pantones 4/26
23 Birthday cake 6/3

I’m sure I have older posts that have snagged more <3s
[Later, after looking for the images]
Yes, the metrics are bad.
Sigh — can’t trust that app!

Here are my real Top Ten for the last month, found manually on Instagram
(which I should have done in the first place).
Analysis: the Likemeter metrics don’t include video.
Even so, three images from June-May were overlooked. Why?
51 Dancing Bergamot 5/21
37 Fluevogs 5/15
36 Lunch break 5/31
33 Me and birthday cake 6/3
30 Bergamot 5/21
28 Mr Lou (bliss) 6/4
28 Duck 6/3
27 #selfiesketch Birthday Suit 6/3
27 #selfiesketch 6/1
27 #dailytruck 6/1